Join us for Midweek Advent Prayer services! Take some time to renew your faith, bless your heart, and get ready for Christmas all at once! You are invited to Advent Evening Prayer, a service of music and prayer to help get you in the mood for the season. This year’s theme is “Fling Wide the Door!” We’ll reflect together on preparing for the welcome of Christmas. We’ll be using the “Behold Our Light” service. Join us live online at 6:15 pm on Wednesdays during Advent.
The dates and weekly themes are as follows: Dec. 2: The Open Door; Dec. 9: Watching at the Gates; Dec. 16: Christ is Knocking.
Offerings made at this service will be given to the ongoing drive to help purchase new Sunday School materials for our companion synod in Papua, New Guinea. We hope you will join us!
Wednesday, December 9 at 6:15 pm: