

The OSLC Cards group meets the second Tuesday each month 1:00-3:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

Page Turners

Page Turners is a women’s reading group which meets each month. Books are selected by the group members. Meetings are held on the third Monday of the month at 2:30. New members are always welcome.

OSLC Men’s Reading Group

The OSLC Men’s Reading group meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. New members are always welcome.

OSLC Retired Men’s Coffee/Breakfast Group (ROMEOs)

ROMEOs meets the first Monday of each month at The Big Biscuit on Wanamaker Road at 8:00 am.

OSLC Juliette Women’s Lunch Bunch

Juliette meets the third Monday of each month at 12:30 pm.

Needlework Group

Interested stitchers are invited to bring a project and join in the fun and conversation! Look for them in the Library on the first, third and fifth Mondays of each month at 7:00 pm.

OSLC Golf Group

The OSLC Golf group meets monthly and golfs during the fair weather months (usually March-October). After each golf outing and times when the weather does not permit golf, the group meets at the 19th hole for dinner and fellowship. Golf outings and the 19th hole change locations each month. See the OSLC calendar or call the church office for more information.