Get Involved

Below you will find a few ways to get involved with Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. If you are interested in volunteering during the worship service, please fill out this form. We appreciate everyone’s contribution of their time and talents.

Flowers for Worship

Please sign up on the chart outside of the church office. If you provide the flowers, you are invited to take them home after the Sunday worship.

Sunday Coffee Hosting

Coffee hosts are needed for Sundays. See the sign up sheet posted in the kitchen. Thanks for your help!

Prayer Chain

Our Savior’s Prayer Chain is a group of people who share in the ministry of intentional daily prayer for others as requested. If you would like more information about becoming involved in this ministry, please contact Barb Keil or the church office.  To share a prayer request please call Barb Keil with the specifics. She will ensure that Pastor is informed of each request. She will also want to know whether you would like to have your request placed in the congregation’s worship service prayers. To keep the roster current, please do keep her informed about the situations (improvements and setbacks).

Card Ministry

Tell them you care with a card. There is nothing quite like receiving a card to cheer you up or let you know that others are thinking about you. Join the OSLC Card Ministry and give that special feeling to others around you. Just pick up a packet of cards from the Information Center and take them home. Send out the cards to anyone – someone who is ill or having a difficult time; someone who needs a“thank you” for doing something special for the church or others; or send a card for a birthday or anniversary. Send a card to someone you have missed seeing at church lately. You decide when and who to send the cards to. When you run out of cards, just pick up another package and keep going. Let’s join together to show our church family and others that we are a “caring congregation.”


Are you interested in membership at OSLC? Know someone who is? Do you have questions about the church and what it teaches and what it believes? Call the church office for information.

Did You Know…

That Our Savior’s has a dedicated group of volunteers who provide temporary transportation for members of the congregation? If you or someone you know needs a ride to worship services and other church events, or occasionally needs a ride to a doctor’s appointment, call the church office and we will see if we can help you out. We can’t guarantee we will be able to meet every need, but we will do what we can. Please call the church office at 266-5313 and give us as much advance notice as possible.


Please take note of the recycling bins placed throughout the church. It’s one small step we can take to help care for our environment. If you are interested in volunteering one month to help, please contact the church office.