Ways to Support Our Savior's Lutheran Church and Our Mission

Adapted from Vanco’s Online “Ways to Give to church”

Financial Support

Tithes and offerings

These play a vital role in ensuring the church’s well-being. They constitute the foundation for key programs and the maintenance of church facilities. By choosing to give money to the church this way, you help sustain the collective spirit and ensure that the light of faith continues to shine brightly. Each year members of this congregation are asked to submit a pledge of their monetary support of Our Savior’s. These pledges allow the leadership team to build an annual budget to fund the ongoing mission and activities of the church.  Once your pledge has been submitted, there are multiple ways you can fund your annual pledged amount.
  1. Place your weekly/monthly pledged amount in the offering plate at worship. Some members gain great satisfaction by placing the offering of their financial gifts to God in the plate during worship.
  2. Set up an online giving account which will automatically deduct a specified amount from your account. There are several benefits to using this option.
    1. For Our Savior’s, this option provides a more predictable giving pattern, and makes it easier for us to manage our budget.
    2. For you, it is more convenient:
      • you don’t need to remember to bring your checkbook or cash when you come to services
      • your giving continues when you are on vacation
      • it only takes a few minutes to set up and can be easily terminated at any time
    3. You can establish online giving at the following link.
  3. If you are 70 ½ or older, you can donate all, or a portion of a required minimum distribution (RMD) directly to Our Savior’s Lutheran Church.
    1. This is called a qualified charitable distribution (QCD). You can actually begin making charitable distributions from an IRA before you are required to begin taking RMDs at the age of 72 (age may vary). 
    2. With a qualified charitable distribution, a check is sent directly from an IRA to a charity—in this case, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. This allows you, the donor, to exclude the amount from taxable income; however, you will no longer be able to use your donation to the church as a deduction.
    3. You should discuss this option with your IRA manager and your tax preparer.

Legacy Gifts

Planned giving involves making a significant gift to the church through a will or estate plan. This type of giving can include bequests, life insurance policies, retirement assets or real estate. It’s a way for you to give money to the church and leave a lasting and significant legacy for the church’s future.

Memorial Gifts

It’s never easy to lose a loved one, but their memory can live on by establishing a memorial to Our Savior’s in their name. For information regarding Legacy Gifts and Memorials, visit this link.

Non-Financial Support

There are a multitude of options where you can use your God-given gifts to support Our Savior’s and its mission in ways which align with your capabilities and passions, ultimately enriching the church and its impact on the community. Periodically, Time and Talent Sheets are distributed to members so you can let us know how you would like to support Our Savior’s. Here are some of the opportunities available to you.

Participation on Committees

Committees are the backbone of church operations. They manage various aspects, from hospitality and worship to finance and maintenance. By volunteering for a committee, you can contribute your unique skills and perspectives to help the church run smoothly. Committee participation also fosters a sense of ownership and belonging among members which strengthens the church community.

Pray for Others

Prayer is a powerful tool that can provide comfort, encouragement and strength. Our Savior’s has developed a prayer chain that can pray for the needs of the church, its members, the local community and global issues.

Participation in Bible Studies

Leading or participating in adult Bible study groups either after worship or when offered during the week contributes to the spiritual growth of the church. Those with a deep understanding of the Bible can guide these sessions, helping others interpret biblical text and apply them in their daily lives. This form of giving enriches the spiritual life of the congregation and strengthens the bonds among members.

Volunteer Your Technical Talents

In today’s digital world, technical talents are in high demand. Members with skills in website design, social media management, video editing or live streaming (or the willingness to learn these skills) can contribute significantly to the Our Savior’s online presence. Volunteering technical abilities is one way to give to the church by helping Our Savior’s reach a wider audience and engage more effectively with the congregation.

Offer Professional/Artistic Skills

Church members come from diverse professional backgrounds, and this expertise can be invaluable. For instance, accountants/financial planners can advise on financial matters, lawyers can provide legal guidance, tradespeople can assist with maintenance tasks, seamstresses can create quilts for Lutheran World Relief. By offering your professional/artistic skills, you can support Our Savior’s in ways beyond financial contributions.

Volunteer at Events and Fundraisers

Church events and fundraisers require a lot of work, from planning and promotion to execution. Volunteers can help in various roles, such as setting up, cleaning up, providing food, or assisting at an event.

Volunteering at these events not only supports the church but also fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among members.

Welcoming New Members

A warm welcome can make newcomers feel accepted and valued. Use your friendly demeanor and knowledge of Our Savior’s activities and volunteer as a greeter, answering their questions and introducing them to other members. This can help newcomers find their place in our congregation and encourage their continued participation.


Mentoring is a rewarding way to give back to the church. Experienced members can guide newer or younger members in their spiritual journey, providing advice, support and encouragement. Mentors can share their experiences, listen to concerns and help mentees navigate challenges in their faith journey.

Teaching Children’s Church

Children are the future of the church. By teaching Children’s Church (typically around 20 minutes during the readings and sermon at the Sunday worship service), members can impart biblical teachings to children in an engaging and age-appropriate manner. This is a fun way to get to know the younger members of the congregation and to help shape their spiritual foundation.

Join the Choir and/or New Dimensions

Music plays a crucial role in worship services and is a very important part of the Our Savior’s worship experience. Those blessed with musical talents can join the choir or the New Dimensions alternative music worship group to enhance the worship experience. Whether it’s playing an instrument or singing, you can use your talents to lead the congregation in worship and create an atmosphere conducive to spiritual reflection.

Participate in the Worship Service Team

Reading the scripture lessons, serving as assisting minister or communion assistant, acolyting, ushering…These are all vital roles that enhance the worship services of Our Savior’s. You are encouraged to access the volunteer calendar and sign up for any or all of these worship responsibilities.