With all the uncertainty that we are facing at this time, and with us not being able to meet in person, we wanted to give you every opportunity to continue with life and worship as normally as possible. With that, we have included the bulletin for this weekend that would have been used here in two different formats. Please feel free to use whichever is easier for you to access. The bulletin includes all the music, the scriptures, the prayers, and Pastor Jim’s sermon that he had planned on giving. As of now, it doesn’t look like we will be able to worship together for several weeks.
The Pastors from First Lutheran, Trinity Lutheran and Pastor Jim, are getting together to do a live stream of a service at 10 am on Sunday. The details on how to view this are below.
ELCA Churches of Topeka Shared Worship: First Lutheran, Our Savior’s, Trinity
10:00 am on Sundays
Our Facebook live stream link is
Our YouTube Link is
From the Synod:
· Sunday worship services. Each week we will share a video service from either Bishop Candea or Bishop’s Associate, Rev. Dave Whetter. These videos can be accessed from our website at www.css-elca.org/worship.
· Bishop Candea is hosting a Lenten Reflection Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. You are welcome to join her via Zoom. Click here to join by computer Call 253-215-8782 to join by phone meeting ID 712 613 832.
· Each day (Monday through Friday) at 1:00 p.m. we invite you to briefly pause (just for five minutes) to pray together (no matter where we are in the synod.) You can do this on your own or join a staff member on Facebook live.
Bulletins & Offering
For those of you with younger children at home, I am also enclosing three different children’s bulletins that you may find helpful.
Pastor Jim and I will maintain basic office hours during this time, with the exception that the offices will be closed this Friday, March 27. Other than that, we will be here Monday through Thursday 9 am – 4 pm. Please feel free to call, email, or stop by if you need anything, As new developments arise, we will keep you informed. For now, we take it day by day, and pray for God’s guidance and peace.
We do encourage you to continue to support the church with your donations. They may be mailed to the church, brought in to the office, or you may use our on-line giving on our web page at www.oslctopeka.org, or use this QR code. Thank you in advance for your continued support.