Hello OSLC family! For help with your worship at home, here is the bulletin and pamphlets we would have used for Palm Sunday this weekend.
Additionally, please join Pastor Jim for the joint online service along with the pastors from First and Trinity Lutheran Churches at 10:00 am on Palm Sunday. The live stream will be available on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/1stlutherantopeka/.
If you can’t make the live stream, the recorded video will also be available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4xPwmMxupJE-FiSH78M2HQ.
Please stay safe during this pandemic, and please continue to support our church financially. Donations may be mailed, dropped off, or you can contribute online at our website www.oslctopeka.org or by using the QR code below. Thank you for your continued support during this troubling time.