We will be resuming in-person Sunday worship at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church starting July 5, 2020 at 9am! Saturday services will resume the following week. Please refer to our reopen plan (a copy is on our Annoucements page; May 11 post at the bottom) for information on what to expect when you come back to the church. Things will look and feel a bit different, but if we all work together according to the plan, we hope to worship together again safely!
If you are not yet comfortable or able to join us in person, please join us virtually at 9am (or whenever you are able) on Sunday, July 5, 2020, for our worship of Jesus Christ!
The mystery of God’s ways is sometimes hidden from the wise and intelligent. Jesus associates with those often excluded from the religious community. Like Paul, we struggle with our own selfish desires and seek God’s mercy and forgiveness. We gather to be refreshed by Christ’s invitation: “Come to me, all you that are weary”. Gathered around word, water, and meal, we find rest for our souls.